Friday, January 3, 2014

Cooking: Pasta

I am a pasta addict. Pasta has been a part of my life for a long time and will probably continue to be for the forseeable future.

With my garden in dire need of harvesting, I decided to make up a new pasta recipe that popped in my head. 

1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 cloves of garlic
1 C cherry tomatoes (halved) (from my pot garden)
4-5 fresh leaves of basil (from my pot garden)
2 servings of pasta (any kind will do)
Shaved Parmesan to taste

1) Put oil in skillet and let warm up. 
2) Add minced garlic and let cook a bit to infuse the oil.
3) Add the cherry tomatoes and let them warm through. 
4) Reduce heat to low and stir occassionally
5) Cook the pasta as directed on the box (my secret is to add salt to the water to flavor the pasta. It should be enough salt to almost make a broth).
6) After the pasta is drained, set aside. Add the sweet basil that has been finely chopped to the skillet with the tomato mixture.
7) After the basil has cooked in for a bit, add the pasta and stir. 
8) Plate it and add parmesan. 

1) Add chicken pieces to the tomato mixture

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