Saturday, May 31, 2014

Monthly Challenge: May Wrap-up/June Challenge

May Challenge
"Do not shop the same place 2 times in May. If I do repeat, I must get something different than I usually do."

That doesn't sound difficult, but when you add in not shopping at the same grocery store, department store, restaurants, etc, it gets to be challenging.  It took some planning ahead and being conscious of my decisions. 

I am a creature of habit. I go on autopilot and don't even notice that I am going somewhere too much and getting the same thing every time until the employee goes ahead and tells me my order before I even get to the counter. Some call this good customer service to remember your regular customers. I call it a sign I have a problem.

So for the month of May, I decided to remove repetition from my life. I succeeded in only shopping 2 restaurants 2-3 times and got different items each time, but ate at quite a few new places that I will eat at again. I didn't shop at a grocery or department store more than 1 time each. 

I also didn't watch CNN. Haha! In the month of April, news channels decided to air 24/7 coverage of the airplane crash and the ferry sinking. These were disasters that needed to be talked about, but the endless speculation when we had no more info then when we had last week got old fast. I love CNN, and read their app every day before starting my day, but it became repetitive and we needed to separate..."it's not me, it's you" kind of separation. 

June's Challenge:
"All cash, all the time"

Except for bills, I will be using all cash in the month of June. Challenge! Supposedly, when you use cash, you spend less. Something about it being "real" money then just swiping your play card and getting stuff. This will be challenging to balance what I have in my wallet with what I want to buy. I also can't remember the last time I paid cash for gas. Not even sure of the proper procedure for that! 

We shall see. Have a great month!


  1. You inspire me so much! I actually made strawberry jam last week. I got a big basket of local strawberries for $11, used 4 cups of sugar, and one package of pink Sure-Jell. Result was 14 jars of jam, one is gone already. Went to the store, saw the price of factory-made strawberry jam, and how much it costs. Not only was my jam cheaper, it's much more delicious. And the berries had been picked just minutes before I made them into jam. Perhaps I should blog about my next jam-making attempt? :) Good luck with your June challenge!

    1. That Jam sounds amazing. Simple ingredients. A lot of volume! Amazing! Great job!
