Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June Monthly Challenge: Planning Ahead

Today was the first challenge of the "All Cash, All the Time" month; gas and groceries. This took some planning ahead to prioritize purchases with what I had on me. Let's start from the beginning...

Yesterday, I went to the bank...inside. I added to the challenge that ATMs are a no go as well. I am the type of person who only sees the bank inside when I get my tax refund check (I know I could let the government direct deposit it, but I am superstitious that if I sign off that they can access my account, they will somehow have my ok to withdrawl as well as deposit. It is silly, but that is the truth of it) or a relative goes old school and sends me a check for a holiday. So I am there trying to figure out how much I 1) want on me, 2) need to not come back here too often 3) plan on having fun in between bank visits. So I get $60 out...I felt this was a lot...I now realize I am out of touch with my money...

Today, I decide that I need gas (I am also the type that waits for the light to come on between fill ups...except in hurricane season. I got the don't-fill-up-until-the-light-comes-on habit from my mom) and a few items at the grocery store. So I make a grocery list. I love lists, so this is nothing new. I figure a certain amount needed for groceries and subtract that from the total to figure what I can spend on gas. 

So I go to the gas station. Punch the button on the bottom that says "pay inside." I dumbly watch the "one moment" screen come up thinking, bet that confused you! Then realize I must pay first before it moves on from that screen. I go inside and I am amazed that there are a few people paying for gas with cash inside. So I wait. Normally, when I have my card, I fill up. It usually is about $50-$60 worth. With cash, you have to know up front. Because of groceries, I decide on $30. Pay the nice man, and head back out. The machine stops at $30! Genius! 

This did save me money because they give a discount to cash customers... 7 cents/gallon! So I saved 58 cents! I also didn't spend as much as I would have if I had my magic play card called a credit/debit card. I generally need 30 gallons of gas a month, more when I have to go to the north campus of my now. So let's say 45 gallons. Paying with cash would save me $3.15 per month. That is $37.80 per year in savings! Just adds up.

On to the grocery store!

Got to the grocery and start the math. Normally, with my magic card I get surprised at the register with the total. Today, I was hoping to avoid the void out of shame...yes, when you have to play the priorities game at the register. The void out of shame="The I put everything on the belt that I wanted and it all got bagged but my wallet is indicating that today is not the day I get everything I want and have to fish through bags to see what I need and what I just want while the line grows and groans." I was a cashier for a grocery store...believe me, that happens and it happens to the best of us.

To avoid this, I have to pay close attention to the prices...sorely miscalculated what I wanted verse what my $30 was going to cover. So I prioritized the best I could. Rounded up the prices to figure in tax (some things are taxed and some aren' I say estimate tax on everything to make a cushion for yourself). Had to leave out the turkey bacon for some frozen sausage the family likes. Downscaled the amount of greek yogurts I wanted (over $1 each! What!?). Got to the register and came up with $23.30. Donated $2 to a charity they were supporting this month. Had 50 cents rolling around in my wallet so I got to keep a whole $5 bill! 

So far, I think this challenge is going to be very good in getting me back in touch with my REAL money. 


  1. Good for you on going cash only!!!

    I've heard that it's cheaper to get gas on Tuesdays. I have no data to support this, but it might be worth researching!

    Greek yogurt . . . it's not as convenient, but it's cheaper to buy the larger tubs. If you have to take it on the go, you can always get some little one-cup containers with lids (get the BPA-free plastic, or glass).

    1. I have been slowly changing over to glass containers this year. I am also experimenting with heating things up on the stove or oven and not using the microwave as much.
