Friday, July 11, 2014

July Challenge Update

My cleaning is going well so far. I really don't like posting about cleaning because it makes me feel/sound like I am normally a could be true, but I live by the rule that if you keep things somewhat tidy then there is less need to deep clean a lot. Now that I have made cleaning my mission, I might be retinking that philosophy. So I am going to try to be honest in this blog and tell the matter how slob-like it sounds. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to make the necessary changes in your life, no matter how big or small. So lets get into it already...

Almost done with the surface cleaning, next will be the deeper cleaning.

Surface cleaning: 
I mopped all of the floors and being more consistent with the sweeping. We have 2 pugs, so after a couple of days the hair really accumulates. 

I wiped down all of the appliances with stainless steal cleaner (honestly, might have done that once in 4 years...but we wipe them with other cleaners every once in awhile). 

Wash the pugs...they can be a handful after a wash, haha! Cute, but a handful.

Washed all of the surfaces in my bathroom. It smells nice and lemony fresh.

Next week's tasks:
Wash the shower curtain...I read a pintrest post about a cleaning schedule and one of the monthly tasks was to wash the shower curtain...we always just get a new one when it gets I shall try washing it.

Go through the hurricane supplies to see what needs to be refreshed and reorganized.

Clean my car! For one thing, it is Florida in the is so hot to be climbing all over the car...but it needs to be done. Thorough cleaning is in order. 

Those are the main tasks for this coming week. I will be posting some cleaning tips soon!

I am finding that I break the 15 minute rule a lot right now. Once I start a task it is difficult for me to stop after 15 minutes. Once everything is done, I think the maintenance will be easier to keep at 15 minutes each day. It is just difficult to stop when you see 20 other things that should be cleaned. 

1 comment:

  1. I have found that washing a shower curtain is a waste of time. I'd love info on how to wash one that isn't a waste of time.
