Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Directions

I have been on leave from this blog for a bit because things haved moved in different directions in my life. I guess that would be the perfect time to blog, but in reality, it was riding the crazy train. So in a nutshell:

1) I moved to North Carolina from south Florida. I moved for a lower cost of living and school opportunities. I also missed seasons that include more than wet and dry seasons. I deeply miss my father and 2 pugs, but this is part of a 4 year plan that I am pursuing. I am cohabitating with some family friends from Indiana. They are so kind to open their home to me, I am so grateful to have these friends in my life.

2) I have interviewed for one of the radiology schools here and I am in the admissions process with another. So hoping for good news from them next March or April.

3) I am really focused on gaining financial peace and getting on the road toward paying off my debts. (More on that later).

4) I have transfered with the same company I was employed with in south Florida however, I had to go from full time to part time until a full time opportunity opens up. This also means I am experiencing my first taste of getting health insurance independent of my job! (Posts coming on navigating that as well)

So, I am working on settling in and getting adjusted to life in NC! Posts to come on some things I have learned in this transition.

1 comment:

  1. If there was a like button, I would click on it to let you know how much I love this entry. :)
