Monday, August 18, 2014

August Challenge Update

The August challenge is going well. I have been using all cash except for gas stations. I did go on a vacation that required some rentals on credit, but there is not much I can do about that. But I did manage to do the trip with cash only and that took some thinking ahead and on the spot priority making. It also went with my cleaning and organizing because I didn't want to bring back too many souvenirs that I will have to move later.

I have made an executive decision to move to North Carolina in the next month or so (just waiting for the job transfers to go through). So my cleaning and organizing is centered around being prepared to move at any time. So each day, I get a little closer to that goal. Hopefully this will make it so I don't have quite as stressful of a time getting packed and moved in in North Carolina.

I have been making more meals at home and taking my lunch with me to work, so that has helped with the cash and the not shopping at the same place 2 times this month. 

So far the challenge is going well. Just mopped the floor so I am on to baseboards! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your decision to move to the Tar Heel state! :)
