Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gardening: Bush Green Beans

This is a plant of firsts. This is the first time I have planted green beans and the first time I planted anything from seed.

I always heard they were vining, and being that I am at a condo with landscapers, that kind of structure is too involved. Then I went to my grandmother's house last year and she gave me seeds for a variety that was a bush type, meaning not vining. I lost them for planting season last year but rediscovered  them for this season. 

I thought it wasn't going to happen this year either because I ran out of soil. Then 2 tomato plants bit the dust, which left me with 2 planters with nothing in them. So I poked a bean down about 2-3 inches deep and watered it. Usually they say to plant indoors first and then transplant them, but that is more if the temperature is less than 75 degrees outside. It is currently an average of 85 in South Florida. So I decided to go for the direct planter method. 

I didn't know if anything was happening. Were they dead? Eaten by birds? Growing upside down? Who knows?! So I just kept watering it with the others. Then 1-2 weeks later...a sprout! It was so cool looking! I was so surprised it actually worked!

I planted 2 others in a different planter a few days after this first one, so I excited to see if those sprout too. I will give more updates soon.


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