Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gardening: Update (general)

So, the 2nd set of green beans that I have planted have started to emerge.

Yesterday, I planted a sweet basil plant, another husky cherry tomato plant, and a yellow pear heirloom tomato plant. So my total plants right now are:
2 Husky Cherry Tomato
1 Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Cherry Tomato
1 Yellow Pear Heirloom Tomato (picture looks like it is a cherry tomato variety, but it doesn't say that on the package. So we shall see)
8 Jalapeño
1 Sweet Basil
1 Lemon Tree (Meyer)
3 Green Bean (Bush variety, from seed)

Last night, I also put out some snail and slug killer since I suspect that that is what ate my 2 other Super Sweet Cherry Tomato plants. So we shall see if that fixes my recent problem.

I noticed my older Husky Cherry Tomato plant and one of my jalapeño plants now have flowers. So cherry tomatoes and jalapeños  should be coming soon! So excited! 

I checked out a website that says general growing season for South Florida is August-February. I an also exploring the idea of joining a community garden for next year. That way I don't have to worry about the HOA and I have the potential to grow more produce. They also ask participants to donate 10% to a charity, which is great too. The cost is anywhere from $35-$80 per year, which is not bad at all. The website warns that there might be a wait list at some locations, so I want to go scouting and info gathering soon.

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