Sunday, June 15, 2014

Buying Club

Yesterday, I signed up for my first buying club. A buying club is basically a group of people that pay a certain amount every, or every other week and the club then uses that money to negotiate a better price for fresh fruits and vegetables. While buying in bulk directly from a supplier, the members of the club enjoy better buying power to negotiate with. Often times they are seeking fruits and veggies that appeal to the group, such as buying all local or all organic. Then, every or every other week, everyone meets on the delivery date and timeframe to get a random box of fruits and vegetables. 

The buying club I joined has different "share" options available to fit different tastes. Ones that cater to smoothie makers, Paleo followers, little families, or big ones. So you first choose which option will suit you and your family the best. 

You then choose to pick up each week or every other week. This group I joined also gives an idea of what will be in the shares the week before. This allows people to skip shares if they want or allows you to have time to find recipes for something you might not normally eat. 

The goal is to get fresh, organic fruits and veggies at a better price then you would get at the grocery store. I know that when I get produce at the grocery store in Florida, somehow it is spoiled as soon as it enters my home. No idea how long it has been off the plant or on the display by the time I get it. Negotiating directly with a supplier will stop the middle man and get one step closer to the grower.

Not having total control of what I get each time will also expand my horizons on different types of fruits and veggies I might not normally get. They also try to get produce that is in season. This increases the nutrition and freshness of the food. 

I have read about different buying clubs online and read about it in a magazine recently and decided to stop waiting and just try it. I will blog later once I pick it up and let you know how it goes.   

1 comment:

  1. I want to find a buying club in my city! That's a great idea.
