Sunday, June 15, 2014

June Challenge: Mid-Month Update

15 days into the June challenge of "all cash, all the time." I stumbled yesterday due to poor planning and laziness. Yesterday, I used my debit card (not my credit card, at least) to purchase a gift. Then, because the banks are closed Sunday, I went to the ATM to get cash for parking to go to the baseball game Sunday. I thought about going to the bank before work, but thought I would go in on my way, but was running late so I didn't have time.

Other than yesterday, I had been successful. So what have I learned so far.
1) Going all cash, takes planning (a budget, an idea of what you are going to do each day, etc)

2) Having a back up bit of cash on hand, helps in those times something gets more expensive than thought, or when banks are closed for the weekend fun. Have some tucked away at home and in the car in case something comes up.

3) You feel the money going more when you actually fork it over from your wallet verse swiping a card. Swiping a card feels like it is imaginary money.

4) Sometimes you want more than you really want to spend. Having cash, puts a leash on those wants.

I will get back on the horse and finish this challenge out strong. Updates to come.

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