Monday, August 4, 2014

Pest Control: Ant killer

In Florida, we seem to have a higher than normal ant issue. Little bitty sugar ants invade the houses. No matter how clean you keep the place, they still use the house as a little ant highway. 

I came up with this method by accident one day. I was cleaning the bathroom a few months ago and saw an ant highway traveling up and down the side of my mirror. I decided I couldn't let that continue so I grabbed the first thing I could find to kill the exposed ants until I could get to the store the next day to get proper ant traps. I grabbed glass cleaner and sprayed the wall with it where the ants were. The ants died on contact. Then I just wiped them off. The few staggering remnants where left alone. The next few days I checked and they were still gone. They never came back.

Today I found a mass of them marching under a hole in my outside door cleaner again, same result! Dead on contact! 

Just thought I would pass along the information. Maybe it will help someone else with an ant problem. 

1 comment:

  1. We don't have ants that often here, but next time I see them, I will have to try that!
